Friday, November 16, 2018

Friday, November 16, 2018

On today's class agenda:

- Discuss AP standards and requirements 

Performance Tasks are due Tuesday, April 30.

Exam day is Friday, May 10.

- View sample student submissions and test questions and grades

- Review homework submissions for Regular Polygon

- Due to picture day yesterday, the deadline for Regular Polygon is extended until after Thanksgiving break.

- On the Wednesday following Thanksgiving break, we will have a closed book quiz on Unit 2.

L2.AP.A.03 Critically examine and trace classic algorithms (e.g., selection sort, insertion sort, binary
search, linear search).

L2.AP.C.01 Trace the execution of repetition (e.g., loops, recursion), illustrating output and changes in values of named variables.

L2.AP.M.03 Create programming solutions by reusing existing code (e.g., libraries, Application Programming Interface (APIs), code repositories).

L2.AP.PD.07 Modify an existing program to add additional functionality and discuss intended and
unintended implications (e.g., breaking other functionality.)

Semester Test Study Links

In case you didn't write down the links given in class for studying for the semester test, they are listed below: Unit 4 Test - www.te...